Guide for Authors


1. Acceptance of articles is only through the system's database at:

 2. When registering on the system:

 -The official language of this journal is persian. The author's specification (Including: name, surname, affiliation and etc.) must also be translated into English language( The first letter of each of the English words must be written in capital lette).

 - If an article has more than one author, it is necessary for everyone to register in the system.

 - A specialized and accurate translation is required.


Instructions for writing an article

 The article should be in accordance with the structure of the A.P.A (American Psychological Association).

The article should include the following sections:

-        The first part

  • Title of the article: The title of the article should be brief and expressive and should not be more than 16 words.
  • The name of the author / authors (Academic affiliation specifications should be written in the footer of the first page).The responsible author's Specifications  (including: phone and email) is also required.
  • Abstract In Persian and English: Includes a brief overview of the content of the article, with emphasis on problem design, goals, methods, and conclusions. Abstract in one paragraph and up to 200 words.
  • Key words should not be more than seven words.

- The second Part

 The main text of the article should be at least five sections, including: Introduction, method of research implementation, findings (data analysis), conclusions and discussions, References.

Evaluation criteria by reviewers:

1. The novelty and the scientific importance of the submitted content

2. Article congruency  with journal goals

3. Appropriateness  of article title with research literature and theory

4. Providing abstracts in Persian and English with appropriate keywords

5. Observing the logic order in the contents presentation

6. Accuracy and precision in the application of Persian words and expressions equivalence

7. Expressing the necessity of research

8. The relevance of the subject matter of the research to the goals, hypotheses and variables

 9. Use of measurement tools and appropriate statistical methods, correct analysis of data

10. Correspondence of research methodology with research topic

11. The appropriateness of research hypotheses or questions with its subject

12. Reliability and Validity of  Data Collection Tools

13. Appropriateness of sampling method with research method

14. Properly explaining the relationship between the research findings and the hypotheses or questions raised.

15. Providing appropriate suggestions for other researchers and expressing research constraints

16. Precision in the provision of resources and the way it is organized and sequenced, as well as the correct setting of subtitles in the article content.