Examining the evaluation of the virtual training qualifications of teachers in the student education network (SHAD) (case study: elementary teachers of Musian district in Ilam province)

Document Type : Original Article




This research is an applied and non-experimental type of research. The statistical method is also the factor analysis method. The data collection tool is a direct and targeted interview with the trainers. The results showed that the most important virtual and electronic professional qualifications of trainers in the days of Corona are respectively: technical qualifications including: development of infrastructure and supply of hardware and electronic equipment, content production and software programs and educational resources Theoretical and practical electronics, mastery of technical work with the Internet and various virtual networks and paying attention to the technical and work situation. Scientific qualifications include: understanding the scientific foundations of virtual education, making virtual learning meaningful for skill learners and art students, self-confidence and technological responsibility, motivation, participation, creativity, innovation and virtual practical capabilities, growth and development of knowledge and skills. Theoretical and practical work with virtual space and remote communication skills with students and art students and the ability to overcome the existing barriers of virtual and electronic education and finally educational qualifications including: cooperative and team learning, problem solving strategy, pragmatism, environment Self-directed, self-directed and self-accessible virtual and electronic learning.
