A Survey on the Effect of Teaching Skills and Methods of Studying along with Education Management Pattern on Male Students' Self-directed Learning in Farhangian University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of philosophy of education, Kharazmi University, IRAN.

2 Professor, Educational Management Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran, IRAN.


The goal of this research is to find out the effect of teaching skills and methods of studying along  with education management pattern on male students' self-directed learning in Farhangian University . Research method is a kind of Quasi-experimental one with pre-test and post-test a long with a control group. The statistical population include all male students in farhangian University (740 students) selected through simple random sampling. Research sample consisted of 60 students in Educational Sciences among which 30 students were selected as participants in the aforementioned workshop and students with similar characteristics were selected as the control group. At first, Fisher’s self-directed questionnaire, As a pre-test were offered to students in both classes. Then, experimental group participated the workshop  under teaching skills and methods of studying for six sessions while the control group received no intervention.  At the end, Fisher’s self-directed questionnaire, was conducted in both classes. To analyze the data from independent variables, T-test, Effect Size formula and Analysis of Covariance were used. The results indicate that teaching skills and methods of studying has a positive significant effect on students’ self-directed learning. Therefore with this training, students' self-directing learning can be enhanced.
