Creativity in Culture and Art Books in the First Secondary High school: A Content Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


MSc Student of Educational Psychology, Shiraz University, IRAN.


The purpose of this study was to examine the content of the culture and art books in first secondary high school in terms of the level of creativity components from the viewpoints of Gilford and Beacards. The present study was conducted using descriptive approach and content analysis method. The contents of these books were studied using the Guillard and Beacard's creativity components logbook. Sample and statistical society of the study were the culture and art books in first secondary high school and the analysis unit were sentences and images in the book. The results of the analysis showed that the conflict coefficient (creative / non-creative components ratio) of text in seventh, eighth and ninth grades was 2.12, 2.18 and 2.48, respectively, and the coefficient of involvement (the ratio of creative components to Non-females) images were 13.66, 33.66 and 32.22, respectively. According to the results, the content of these books in terms of creativity components is at the desired level.
