Assessing the Quality of Educational Services at the Farhangian University based on the quality of service gap model: Qom branches.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of Allameh Tabatabaei University, IRAN.

2 Phd Student, allameh tabatabai university, IRAN.

3 Faculty Member of Farhangian University, IRAN.

4 farhangian university, IRAN.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of educational services of Farhangian University based on the quality gap model in Qom teacher education centers (N: 967). For this purpose, among teacher candidates of the Ayatollah and Hazrat Masoumeh centers by proportional sampling method, and according to the Morgan table, 275 (182 boys and 93 girls) people was selected. Data were collected using SERVQUAL questionnaire adapted to the academic context and the data were obtained in two areas: perceptions and expectations. For data analysis, one-sample t and t-dependent methods were used. The findings showed that in the perceptions and expectations of teachers candidates about the quality of services, except for the Reliability, the rest of the dimensions are more than average. Also, Checking out of the gap between expectations and perceptions showed that there is no significant gap between expectations and perceptions between dimensions of Responsiveness, assurance and Empathy. But there is a significant negative gap between the expectations and perceptions of teacher candidate in the dimensions of Tangibles and Reliability
