An Inquiry of Adaption of Educational Content to the fars adult learners Needs in Transition period

Document Type : Original Article


1 manager of college

2 Master of science degree in educational manaegment, IRAN.

3 Master of science degree in mathematics, IRAN.


Today, continuous learning for all countries, not a political necessity but also a real need so that illiteracy is a major barrier to reducing and eliminating poverty know. This study aimed to determine the consistency of educational content in transition period, with literacy needs of Fars province. The study population included three groups, literacy experts, training and audience Fellowship of the transition period. Sampling method was stratified sampling approach and finally 261 questionnaires were collected. In order to collect data was used by three questionnaires. The validity of using item analysis and reliability through Cronbach's alpha was determined that all three had good reliability and validity of the questionnaire. In order to analyze data one sample t test was used in both acceptable and desirable level.The results showed that the three groups studied, an average of all courses higher than acceptable level. Compared to the desired level, courses Qoran and Islamic culture had the highest average and math, Persian literature, Science, and Social sciences are on average lower. Educational content of this courses is not desirable.
