Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Farhangian university, IRAN.

2 Faculty member of Shiraz University

3 Faculty Member of Shiraz University, IRAN.

4 Faculty Member of Research and Educational planning Institute, Education Ministry, Tehran, IRAN.


The aim of this study was designing of teachers’professional development evaluation framework based on the lesson study. The research approach was mixed sequential exploratory strategy of instrument development. In the qualitative phase by using purposive sampling and theoretical saturation, open interviews about lesson study was done with 17 faculty members and teachers. Data were analyzed by using Nvivo content analysis software. Network themes were organized in the form of basic, organizer and global themes and the fromework evaluation of teachers’ professional designed based on lesson study was formed. By using qualitative criteria, the framework was validated. The results showed that teachers’ professional development evaluation framework has three themes like knowledge, attitude and skill(organizer themes) with 51 basic themes. Then an instrument was designed based on the evaluation framework and was measured validity and reliability in a sample of 30. After verifying the factor analysis and eliminating items that did not have a good relationship with professional improvement criteria, the professional assessment scale of the study-based teachers includes 3 criteria (knowledge, attitude and skill) and 47 components.
