Implications of tacit knowledge with emphasis on the concept of religious education for learning and teaching at elementary level

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student at the Philosophy of Education , the University of Shiraz , Faculty of Psychology and Education

2 Associate Prof School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shiraz University


The purpose of this research is to investigate the implications of tacit knowledge with an emphasis on the concept of religious education in teaching and learning. Arguing that the implications of tacit knowledge in teaching and learning are based on personal experience and subjective judgments, there is an action between teachers and students. To achieve this goal by analytical-inferential method; concepts of religious education, teaching and implicit learning were analyzed and implicit teaching ratio was explained by teaching religious teaching. finally, according to the three stages of thinking, »intuitive religious«, »objective religious« and »abstract religious« in the students, teaching methods and implicit learning of religious in two categories of 6 to 9 years and 9 to 11 years were considered elementary (religious thinking stage). the result of the age of 6 to 9 years of religious education in the framework of expression of »religious literature« in order to preserve the communication interaction of teacher and learning from attraction and influence, and in the age of 9 to 11, the use of »visualization from religious concepts« in the form of »religious stories«, the purpose of meaning is a subjective aspect of religious concepts.
