Keyword Index


  • Action research How I could resolve Mahdi's lack of interest and attention to doing homework: action research [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 69-79]
  • Art lessons Pathology of the art course from the perspective of teachers and elementary students of Masjed Soleiman [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 23-41]


  • Basic Psychological Needs Examining the Teachers Barriers in Improving the Basic Psychological Needs of High School Students [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 81-98]


  • Content Analysis Content analysis of fifth and sixth basic Social studies based on the basic components citizenship training [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 99-111]


  • Education In Denouncing Flattery: A Critical Speech on Moral Education [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 49-66]
  • Education شناسایی و ساختاردهی موانع توسعه دوره های فوق برنامه ورزشی در آموزش و پرورش از منظر معلمان مرد شرکت کننده در مسابقات علمی فرهنگی ورزشی [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 85-101]
  • Education Future Studies Approach and its Roles and Objectives in the New Education Curriculum [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 31-43]
  • Education Conceptual Model of the Political Basis of the Official Philosophy of Public Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 103-120]
  • Education An integrated physical education training method based on Olympism [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-98]
  • Educational Development Interpretation from a Development-based educational system based on the Mu'tazilite's rationalistic views [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 11-26]
  • Ellis’s rational emotive behavior theory The comparison of effectivness Ellis’s rational emotive behavior theory with Tiedeman’s decision making theory on vocational performance of teachers [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 53-68]
  • Emotional Self-regulation The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Emotional Self-regulation in High School Secondary School Students in Shiraz [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 43-52]


  • Farhangian University My life experience at Farhangian University for becoming a teacher [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 29-52]
  • Flattery In Denouncing Flattery: A Critical Speech on Moral Education [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 49-66]
  • Future studies Future Studies Approach and its Roles and Objectives in the New Education Curriculum [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 31-43]


  • High School Examining the Teachers Barriers in Improving the Basic Psychological Needs of High School Students [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 81-98]


  • Identity The impact of storytelling on the growth rate of creativity, innovation, and identity of children In pre-school period [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 67-84]
  • Iranian-Islamic citizen Content analysis of fifth and sixth basic Social studies based on the basic components citizenship training [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 99-111]
  • Islamic Education A Reflection in the Meaning of Truthfulness in Quran and its Educational [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 45-64]


  • Keywords: Science course to investigate the effect of Pedagogical approach of philosophy for children on the 1st grade elementary students in education of Science course [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 11-27]


  • Lesson Study Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 99-122]


  • Management شناسایی و ساختاردهی موانع توسعه دوره های فوق برنامه ورزشی در آموزش و پرورش از منظر معلمان مرد شرکت کننده در مسابقات علمی فرهنگی ورزشی [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 85-101]
  • Mix Method Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 99-122]
  • Mobile phone Study the impact of cyberspace (based on cellphone) on social Health in Rudan High school students . [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 27-48]
  • Mu’tazila school Interpretation from a Development-based educational system based on the Mu'tazilite's rationalistic views [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 11-26]


  • Olympism An integrated physical education training method based on Olympism [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-98]


  • Perceptual thinking The relationship between fluid intelligence and personality traits with divergent thinking in elementary school students [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 65-79]
  • Personality Traits The relationship between fluid intelligence and personality traits with divergent thinking in elementary school students [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 65-79]
  • P.E teacher شناسایی و ساختاردهی موانع توسعه دوره های فوق برنامه ورزشی در آموزش و پرورش از منظر معلمان مرد شرکت کننده در مسابقات علمی فرهنگی ورزشی [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 85-101]
  • Philosophy for children to investigate the effect of Pedagogical approach of philosophy for children on the 1st grade elementary students in education of Science course [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 11-27]
  • Physical Education An integrated physical education training method based on Olympism [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-98]
  • Political foundations Conceptual Model of the Political Basis of the Official Philosophy of Public Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 103-120]
  • Praise In Denouncing Flattery: A Critical Speech on Moral Education [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 49-66]
  • Professional Development Evaluation Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 99-122]


  • Quran A Reflection in the Meaning of Truthfulness in Quran and its Educational [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 45-64]


  • Rationalism Interpretation from a Development-based educational system based on the Mu'tazilite's rationalistic views [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 11-26]


  • SERVQUAL model Assessing the Quality of Educational Services at the Farhangian University based on the quality of service gap model: Qom branches. [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 11-22]
  • Social Participation Study the impact of cyberspace (based on cellphone) on social Health in Rudan High school students . [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 27-48]
  • Social Studies Content analysis of fifth and sixth basic Social studies based on the basic components citizenship training [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 99-111]
  • Students Pathology of the art course from the perspective of teachers and elementary students of Masjed Soleiman [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 23-41]
  • Students The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Emotional Self-regulation in High School Secondary School Students in Shiraz [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 43-52]


  • Teacher My life experience at Farhangian University for becoming a teacher [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 29-52]
  • Teachers Pathology of the art course from the perspective of teachers and elementary students of Masjed Soleiman [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 23-41]
  • Teachers Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 99-122]
  • Teachers Barriers Examining the Teachers Barriers in Improving the Basic Psychological Needs of High School Students [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 81-98]
  • Theme Analysi Designing and Validating Professional ِDevelopment teachers Assessment Scale basde lesson study: A Mix metod Study [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 99-122]
  • Tiedeman’s decision making theory The comparison of effectivness Ellis’s rational emotive behavior theory with Tiedeman’s decision making theory on vocational performance of teachers [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 53-68]
  • Training Fellowship An Inquiry of Adaption of Educational Content to the fars adult learners Needs in Transition period [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 11-30]